
The world’s toughest row

The Worlds Toughest Row (former: Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge) is considered to be the toughest rowing race in the world. It is an extraordinary challenge in which teams of up to 5 rowers cross the Atlantic Ocean in an ocean rowing boat. The race takes participants over 4,800 km from La Gomera in the Canary Islands to Antigua in the Caribbean.

The annual race starts in December with between 20 and 40 teams coming from all over the globe. It is a race against the elements, where teams are exposed to the brutal conditions of the Atlantic Ocean unaccompanied and unsupported, and must stand strong against the ocean. The goal of each team is the same: to cross the Atlantic Ocean in their rowing boat before all other participants.

km deep
8500 meters deep, the Atlantic Ocean can rip open under the boat. Chances are good that the team will encounter wildlife. Previous participants have sighted whales, dolphins and tuna.
meter waves
We will encounter waves up to six meters high during our Atlantic crossing.
liters of water
It is extremely important for the team to consume enough liquid during the crossing. Within 24 hours, participants of the Challenge drink around 10 liters of water.
Rowers burn up to 7000 kilocalories per day, depending on their weight. The diet on board consists of three or four freeze-dried meals and snacks.
When rowers cross the Atlantic, they usually lose up to 12 kg of their body weight.
To keep the boat moving 24/7, teams of two will alternate rowing for two hours and sleeping for two hours throughout the crossing.

Our Goals

Cross the Atlantic safely
We will cross the finish line safely as a team.
Win in world record time
We will push the limits and aim to be the best prepared team on the starting line to win in world record time.
Explore the unknown
With our boat as a research vessel, we want to contribute to ongoing research by acquiring valuable data.
Give back
For the amazing experience the ocean gives us we will give back in form of raising funds for a biodiversity focused charity.


22.-26. April 2024
RYA Courses
During this week we will do all our madatory RYA Courses in order to get allowed to compete at the Worlds Toughest Row - Atlantic 2025. This includes first aid, navigation, sea survival and SRC radio training.
27. April 2024
Boat Collection
Collection of our boat and all the mandatory RYA courses in Burnham on Crouch.
25./26. Mai 2024
Lucerne Regatta
We will visit the Lucerne Regatta 2024 with our boat and present 44west to the international rowing community.
20. July 2024
Boat Naming
On this day we will hold our boat naming ceremony at the Rowing Club in Zug and bring the whole 44west community togehter for the first time.
25. July 2024
First row at sea
Taking our first strokes on international waters in order to gain experience.
28. Septmeber 2024
Tour du lac Leman
After completing the Race for the first time in 2023 we are aiming to win the 2024 edition and bring back the victory of this prestigious race into swiss hands.
May / July 2025
Last outing on sea
Last row on the sea to check our final setup. And find out the latest tunings that are necessary.
August 2025
Pre-Race Apero
Highlight of last preparation phase and boat send off event. Another opportunity for our community to come together.
September 2025
Boat scrutiny
Boat scrutiny by Atlantic Campaigns (race organizer) and initiating the shipping to La Gomera.
December 2025
Race start

This is what drives us

Our team consists of four daring rowers who are ready to go beyond the limits of the Swiss lakes for an unforgettable adventure. Our mission is to accomplish something extraordinary that no one around us has ever managed before. Our idea may seem crazy to some, but for us it is a chance to realize our dreams and prove to ourselves that we are capable of making the impossible possible.

We are convinced that our project will inspire not only us, but also young people from our generation to pursue their own goals and overcome their limitations. We want to show that it is worth being brave and fighting for what you believe in. We are ready to face the upcoming challenges. We hope that our project will encourage people to have their own adventures and make dreams come true.